Fields with a * are required
Application Date *
Practice Name / Registered Company Name *
Tax Agent No *
Contact Name *
Support Name Contact (if any)
Phone *
Email *
Address *
Suburb *
Postcode *
Country (if other than Australia)
Fee From Refund (FFR) will provide a web based fee from refund management system which ensures your fees are deducted from your clients refund and electronically settled to both the client and your practice on your behalf. Information and status on all customers is available direct via the web site.
To utilise the Fee From Refund system to customers, the Tax Practice must strictly adhere to all procedures in offering the Fee From Refund. An annual subscription service fee from Fee From Refund of $1200.00 including GST is payable 30 days after registration and each annual anniversary date the system is utilised.
Account Name *
Account Number *
Bank & Branch *
I / We agree to the terms and conditions of the Fee From Refund Service Agreement contained herein and request that you accept the once off set-up fee of $1200.00 payable after an initial period of 30 days to allow you time to ensure a trial period, then each annual anniversary date the system is utilised.
Approx. No of "I" Returns:
Average preparation fee amount $:
Tax Software:
Please provide an email that important messages and reports can be sent to *